2008 Workshop „Strategies of Knowledge Regions – Attracting Talents and Mobilizing Competences“

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[Translate to en:] AtractingTalents
[Translate to en:] AtractingTalents

Topic: Analysis of the role of the Triple Helix approach - the cooperation of companies, universities and research institutes as well as public institutions - for the mobilisation and recruitment of highly qualified, creative workers in urban regions.

Brief description: Based on the results of a qualitative survey in the run-up to the 3rd Innovation Society Conference 2008, the role of the Triple Helix partners in providing the necessary hard and soft location factors in the international competition for talent will be discussed and fields of action of public actors on different scale levels identified. The interactive format of the workshop with large-format posters promotes an intensive exchange between the participating experts. Participants

Participating team members: Alain Thierstein, Agnes Förster

Client: City of Munich, Department of Labour and Economy