2006-2008 The Image and the Region - Making Mega-City Regions Visible!

Forschung, PAGE:TUMvCard |

Topic: Raising awareness of the new functional and political significance of metropolitan regions, pooling various analytical and visual expertise.

Brief description: Metropolitan regions are of strategic importance for the economic, social and cultural development of a country. As large-scale, abstract entities, however, they often remain invisible to the relevant decision-makers, actors and citizens. The symposium and book reveal the "Making Mega-City Regions Visible!" programme: Speakers from various disciplines - spatial development, urban and regional planning, architecture, geography, communication, design - will identify the needs, requirements and opportunities for making this visible. This is intended to make an important contribution to turning metropolitan regions into real spaces for perception and action.

Publication: Thierstein, Alain; Förster, Agnes (2008): The Image and the Region. Making Mega-City Regions Visible! Bathing: Lars Müller Publishers. Participants

Team memerbs involved: Alain Thierstein, Agnes Förster